The gorgeous Mrs. K reached out to me about doing a session for herself to celebrate where she is right now. To celebrate her body after having a beautiful baby girl, after loss, after illness, after getting kicked in the teeth by life, and continuing to move forward… To simply rejoice in her feminine confidence in this moment in her life. YES, she did this for herself. Beautiful lady I am so proud of you for pushing yourself way out of your comfort zone, and thank you for trusting me with this experience. You deserved it, you rocked it, I am obsessed with your gorgeous images and in awe of your bravery.
Mrs. K shared some thoughts on herself and her experience, that I had to pass on… Her beautiful, heartfelt and authentic words brought me to tears.
“This body.
For as long as I can remember I have wanted to be skinny. You know, like my mom...tall, skinny, simply gorgeous. But I'm not tall and skinny and I really never have been. Im built. (thanks Dad).
My muscle mass is dense (according to my trainer), I have an athletic build and it's taken me 29 years to accept the fact that I will always have curves and I will never be board straight and it's okay.
Do I have baby weight I still need to lose? yes
Do I have stretch marks? yes
Do things look different after my explant? yes
Are all these things okay? yes
Do any of these things define ME? no
This body has given life, has traveled the world, has comforted orphans, has been the shell to a broken heart, has walked me down the aisle to the love of my life, has knelt beside dying grandparents, has protected my child. My body is good. No matter the size, no matter the number on the scale.
Do I still have weight goals? Of course.
Do I still have fitness goals? Sure.
But I accept myself for who I am and what I am.
I had it on my 30 before 30 list to do a beauty/boudoir session for myself before my 30th birthday no matter my weight. I did a session before I got married and was probably in the best shape of my life. This time was going to be different and I knew that going in to it. I spent weeks mentally preparing myself and building up my confidence. To be honest, I really wanted to back out of the shoot last minute because I let my insecurities get the best of me. But I did the damn thing. And I am so glad I did! This is the only photo I've seen so far, but regardless of the way I look in the other photos to come, I am proud of myself.
(and to think I am posting this on social media...who am I ?!)
These photos will always represent a time of my life that was full of growth and change.
I've grown into my role as a mother, I've grown into my role as a business owner and a spouse. I've grown in my confidence and self love. I've grown into a better friend and I've grown in grace.
My body is different, but that doesn't mean it's not beautiful.
Ladies, book yourself a session. YOU DESERVE to do it for YOU! Document where you are in this season of life. You will be so glad you did.”
Here are some of Mrs. K’s own words about her Austin Boudoir Photo Experience with me…
“I could not be any happier with my experience with Kimberly Brooke Boudoir! Photo prep was made easy by her well thought out guide and Kim was available to answer all of my questions. I was very nervous going into my session because let's be honest... things just don't look the same after having a baby. During my shoot, Kim was encouraging and gave really good instructions and posed me for every shot which I really appreciated! I left feeling powerful, confident and beautiful. When it came time to view my photos, I was even more nervous than before. I was worried I wouldn't like them and that I would be disappointed... basically, I let my insecurities get the best of me. I was nervous for nothing! I LOVED my photos! I am so happy I did them to document this stage of life! I will be doing another session later on in life. I highly recommend doing this for yourself! Thanks Kim!”
“Did a thing today.
Thanks Kimberly Brooke for pushing me out of my comfort zone!”